About Li Wei >

Have you had these
thoughts recently?


I am looking for a career that provides
me with independence and flexibility.


I am tired of office politics and drama.

I want to be in control of my life.


I like people and I want to help people,
but I want to be paid for it.

I am an independent person and
I deserve to earn more.

Give a man a fish, and he will be hungry again tomorrow;
teach him to catch a fish, and he will be richer all his life.

- Anna Isabelle Thackery Ritchie

授人以鱼不如授人以渔 -《淮南子·说林训》

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What Others Say
About Li Wei

I am from the Philippines. All these years of working with Li Wei , He remains and continues to be an exemplary financial services director with his high standards and diligence. Success doesn’t stop him from being humble and supportive to all of us in his team.

Joseph Allen Santos Ramos
Financial Services Consultant

I have worked with Li Wei for more than a decade. All the while he remains earnest and insightful. He motivates me to explore new ideas. His visionary leadership keeps the team strong and prosperous.

Jasmine, Li Yuezhi
Financial Services Consultant
MDRT, COT qualifier, and International Dragon Award

AIA Premier Award Celebrations Dinner

AIA Affluent & High Net Worth Prestige Club Annual Awards

Pinnacle Platinum District

Million Dollar FYC District

AIA Annual Agency Awards Gala Dinner

AIA Annual Agency Awards Gala Dinner

How to Become a Successful Finance Services Consultant in Singapore like Li Wei?